Accidents happen, and when your child gets struck in the face and loses a permanent tooth, the results can be devastating to their self-esteem. Your child may feel embarr
- You only get one set of adult teeth, so it's important to care for yours the best you can. In addition to brushing your teeth at least twice a day, there's plenty you can
- Invisalign braces are a helpful way to straighten your teeth because they don't require that you have braces and wires permanently attached to your teeth for years. Howev
- Thanks to the vitamin C and astringents that abound in strawberries, you can utilize them as a tool to help keep your teeth white between professional dental cleanings an
- Looking around at people who wear gold grills, shiny fake teeth, and gem-studded retainers, it's easy to dismiss this kind of dental bling as just another crazy fad. But