Tooth bonding might be a lesser-known player in the world of cosmetic dental services. But this simple process offers incredibly satisfying results at a lower cost than other types of cosmetic dental work—such as dental crowns or veneers. Tooth bonding is applied directly to the tooth, making it different from other dental restorations. Even though it's painted right onto the tooth, you don't need to be worried about your bonding cracking, but you should be aware of the (remote) possibility.
An Easy Repair for Your Dentist
Before you become too concerned, it's important to point out that cracked tooth bonding isn't a common problem. And when it does occur, the repairs (or reapplication) of your bonding can be achieved quickly and relatively inexpensively.
Concealing an Imperfection
Like a crown or veneer, bonding conceals an imperfection in the tooth's shape or color. These other restorations are typically made of porcelain—customized for the exact tooth in question—and are manufactured offsite before being cemented onto your tooth. Bonding utilizes a tooth-colored dental resin. This acrylic material is applied to the tooth in a semi-fluid state. It's shaped as needed, then dried with a special blue light. As a final step, it can be polished to closely resemble natural dental enamel.
Solid Porcelain Vs. Pliable Resin
Tooth bonding achieves the same cosmetic purpose as a veneer or crown, but these restorations are solid pieces of porcelain securely attached to the tooth, instead of being a pliable resin that's painted onto the tooth before it dries. Given the physical pressure and friction that are part of a tooth's daily life, it's possible for the bonding material to crack, chip, and detach from the tooth's surface. This becomes more likely the longer you've had the bonding material in place.
A Quick Trip to the Dentist
Any deterioration of dental bonding should trigger a quick trip to the dentist. The material isn't made bespoke for you, nor is it expensive or difficult to work with, so tooth bonding is reapplied instead of repaired. When bonding needs attention, a dentist will generally remove all bonding material at once, before rebonding each relevant tooth (applying the resin, sculpting it as needed, curing it with a light, and polishing its surface).
Deteriorated dental bonding will continue to worsen until you have it refreshed by a cosmetic dentist. Fortunately, this replacement won't take up much of your time, nor will it cost as much as a porcelain restoration.
To learn more, contact a local cosmetic dentist service.