Emergency Dental Care: Why Go To The Dentist And Not The Hospital?

When you have a dental emergency, it's common to want to go to the emergency department at your local hospital, especially if you're in a lot of pain and there's blood. However, most dental emergencies are actually supposed to be taken care of in the dentist's office and an oral surgeon and general dentist, along with an orthodontist as needed, can all work together to help you feel better and repair your smile.

So, if you have a dental emergency like a tooth being busted out, a tear in your mouth, gum or dental damage, or another dental concern, call your local dentist first before you call for emergency care at your local hospital. It's wise to let your emergency family dentist know what's going on and how you injured your smile so they can help you or guide you in another direction for emergency dental care.

Here are reasons to go to an emergency dentist for your emergency dental care needs.

Your local hospital will call in a dental expert

Unless you have other injuries to your face or body in addition to needing emergency dental care, your local hospital is likely to just send you to your emergency family dentist or bring in a dental professional anyhow. This can cost you more money in dental and medical fees that may be avoided if you go straight to the dentist first.

Rather, call your local emergency dental services specialist and ask them where you should go for your emergency and they'll either bring you to their clinic the same day or make an appointment for another day.

Your local hospital doesn't have dental tools to help you

The best your local hospital can do for major dental pain or damage is help manage your pain and take X-rays of your face to see if you have other injuries. They may not even do anything other than give you a visual exam and then give you something for pain before referring you to a dentist.

Remember: a chipped or broken tooth or other dental issue is a common dental ailment that your emergency dentist can manage for you. The best way to take care of your smile is to get the emergency dental care you need and let the right professionals do the job. If you have a dental emergency, don't wait to get emergency dental care. It's the best way to preserve your smile and protect your health.

About Me

Helping You Understand Your Mouth

As a young child, I was petrified of the dentist. Dental fears are common, and I found that the more I learned about the teeth and gums, the less afraid I felt making my dental appointments. The teeth and gums are simply a part of your body that need extra special care, and I want you to know there is nothing to be afraid of. I started this blog to inform others about the basic facts about the teeth, so your dentist can be seen as a helpful professional who wants to encourage oral health. After all, we only have one set of adult teeth for our entire lives. Knowledge is power, so read through some of the information so you can make it through your dental appointments as a calm and informed patient.



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