Poor Oral Habits To Break If You Get Dental Implants

If you want a new smile, dental implants are one option. Dental implants are expensive, so you want to make sure you do not do anything that can harm your new teeth. For many people, some bad habits can impact the longevity of dental implants. The following are some bad habits you might have that you want to consider breaking if you plan to get dental implants:

Grinding Your Teeth

If you are a person who grinds their teeth, you need to get treatment to help you stop. Teeth grinding can damage your dental implants just like it can damage your natural teeth. For many people, grinding their teeth is done subconsciously during sleep. Over time, the pressure from grinding the teeth can cause the crowns of the implants to break. To break this habit, you may need to consult with your dentist. They can measure your mouth for a mouthpiece that you wear overnight. The mouthpiece does not necessarily stop the act of teeth grinding, but you will not damage the teeth. You will grind the mouthpiece instead of grinding your teeth together. The mouthpiece will not damage the teeth.

You Bite Your Fingernails

If you are a nail-biter, you need to stop doing it or you risk damaging your dental implants. Over time, the biting of your hard nails can cause them to chip. To stop biting your nails, try to find other things to do with your hands when you feel the urge to bite your fingernails.

Chewing on Items

If you are a person who chews on different items out of habit, try to stop this. Some people chew on different things to relieve stress. Chewing on hard items such as pencils, pen caps, ice, and anything else that is hard can break down the structure of the teeth. If you need to chew on something, consider chewing on some sugarless gum or have a mint when you feel the urge to chew on something.

Overbrushing Your New Teeth

You need to brush and floss your implants just like you would your natural teeth. However, try not to overbrush or brush your implants with too much force. When you overbrush the implants, you can damage them by causing too much extra pressure on the gums. The gums and jawbone support the implants. If you brush too hard, the gums can begin to recede. As gums recede, bacteria can get into the pockets between the gums and the implants. This can cause infection and possible failure of your implants.

About Me

Helping You Understand Your Mouth

As a young child, I was petrified of the dentist. Dental fears are common, and I found that the more I learned about the teeth and gums, the less afraid I felt making my dental appointments. The teeth and gums are simply a part of your body that need extra special care, and I want you to know there is nothing to be afraid of. I started this blog to inform others about the basic facts about the teeth, so your dentist can be seen as a helpful professional who wants to encourage oral health. After all, we only have one set of adult teeth for our entire lives. Knowledge is power, so read through some of the information so you can make it through your dental appointments as a calm and informed patient.



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