What To Expect When You Get Your First Dentures

Dentures are an effective and cost-efficient way to replace missing teeth. However, many people can feel very intimidated when getting their first dentures. While getting new dentures for the first time is a big step and they do take time to get used to, the entire process is typically stress-free, and most people see an improvement in many areas of their lives when missing teeth are replaced by dentures. If your dentist has recommended that you get dentures, continue reading to learn more about what you can expect during the process:

Dental Exam

The first step in the denture process is a dental exam with your dentist. Your dentist will examine your teeth and gums and ensure that your mouth is healthy enough for dentures. In the event that you have any teeth that are in poor health and can't be repaired, they will be extracted. You can count on your dentist to take every precaution to ensure that you are completely comfortable during your dental exam and any procedures that you may need to prepare your mouth for dentures.

Permanent Impressions

Since everyone's mouths are different, dentures are custom-made to help ensure the best fit possible. After your dental exam, your dentist will make an impression of your mouth; the impression will then be sent to a lab where your new dentures will be made. Some dental offices have on-site denture labs while others use denture labs in different cities or states, so the amount of time it will take to get your new dentures will depend on the practices of the dental office that you go to.

Wearing Your New Dentures

When your custom-made dentures arrive at your dentist's office, you will need to go in for an appointment. During this appointment, your dentist will show you how to properly insert your dentures. He or she will also make recommendations for specific denture products to use and will show you how to remove your dentures and how to clean them. During this appointment, do not be afraid to ask any questions that you may have — your dentist is there to help you through the transition of wearing dentures for the first time.

Follow Up Visit

Most dentists ask patients to schedule a follow-up appointment after a week or two of wearing dentures for the first time. If you are having any difficulty with your dentures or you find them painful to wear, your dentist can make arrangements to have the dentures adjusted for a better, more comfortable fit in your mouth. When your new dentures feel comfortable, you won't have to worry about replacing them for several years. 

For more information on denture services, contact a clinic like Claros Dental Care.

About Me

Helping You Understand Your Mouth

As a young child, I was petrified of the dentist. Dental fears are common, and I found that the more I learned about the teeth and gums, the less afraid I felt making my dental appointments. The teeth and gums are simply a part of your body that need extra special care, and I want you to know there is nothing to be afraid of. I started this blog to inform others about the basic facts about the teeth, so your dentist can be seen as a helpful professional who wants to encourage oral health. After all, we only have one set of adult teeth for our entire lives. Knowledge is power, so read through some of the information so you can make it through your dental appointments as a calm and informed patient.



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