Necrotizing Ulcerative Periodontitis - How To Reduce Your Pain And Discomfort

If you have a painful form of gum disease with sores and open wounds across your mouth, then you may have a condition called necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis. This condition requires aggressive treatment. Your dentist will remove dead tissue from your mouth and the outer membrane that sits across your gum tissues. You will then need to use an antibiotic mouthwash to help control the infection. Unfortunately, pain will remain until your gums begin to heal. Good oral hygiene is essential to this healing, so make sure that you control the discomfort so you can brush effectively.

Create a Soothing Salve

When your dentist removes the dead tissues across your gums, open sores and sensitive tissues are left behind. These tissues will likely burn when you eat, drink, and try to brush your teeth. Even a warm beverage or a cool glass of water can cause throbbing sensations across your mouth. One of the best ways to reduce this pain is to create a salve or a fluid to cover your gums. This will both protect the tissues and reduce discomfort.

Use Honey

Honey has been used by many cultures for hundreds of years to reduce pain and fight infections. Honey is comprised mostly out of sugar and water, but a small portion of the food contains enzymes, proteins, and other substances that can provide health benefits. The proteins in the honey help to fight bacteria and other microorganisms. The low pH of the honey also makes it difficult for bacteria to multiply in the mouth. The enzymes in the honey have also been found to heal wounds and reduce pain.

The beneficial compounds in honey are sometimes removed or reduced when the honey is heated, so consider purchasing organic, raw, or locally produced products. Once you purchase the honey, heat about one tablespoon of the food in your microwave for 10 seconds. This will help to make the honey more fluid. Use your finger to spread the honey across your gums. Do this three or four times a day. Just make sure not to place the honey on your teeth. The sugars in the food can cause cavities.

Create an Essential Oil Mix

Essential oils can be just as effective as honey in reducing pain and killing microorganisms that cling to the tissues of your mouth. When you mix some of these oils with olive oil, then you can create a protective barrier across your gums that can reduce pain and keep toothpaste and food items from hurting the tissues. Find an aromatherapy store or homeopathic retailer in your area and purchase clove oil, tea tree oil, and lavender oil.  

Clove oil contains a compound called eugenol that relieves pain, and tea tree oil can kill the bacteria in your mouth. Tea tree oil can reduce pain as well. Lavender oil can kill bacteria too, and it can also calm stress associated with your dental discomfort.

Pour about two tablespoons of olive oil in a container and then add three drops of each essential oil to the mix. Gently stir the mixture and spread it across your gums. If the oily salve burns the tissues of your mouth, then the essential oils are likely too concentrated. Add an extra tablespoon of olive oil to your container and try using the fluid again.

Eat the Right Foods

If you are in a great deal of pain due to a serious gum infection, then you may find it difficult to eat solid foods. The lack of nutrition can extend the amount of time that it takes for your gum tissues to heal properly and you will be in pain until healing occurs. This means that you should eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and nutrients. Consider cooking your vegetables thoroughly so they do not cut your gums. Also, try to eat foods with a good deal of protein, because protein is needed to rebuild tissues.

Once you start eating nutritious foods, also try to consume items that are known to reduce chronic inflammation. This can greatly reduce your gum discomfort. A few of these foods include cherries, cranberries, kiwis, oranges, and cauliflower.

If you have been diagnosed with a serious gum infection condition called necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis, then you will likely be in a great deal of pain. Once your dentist provides you with gum disease treatment, follow the tips in this article to control your discomfort.

About Me

Helping You Understand Your Mouth

As a young child, I was petrified of the dentist. Dental fears are common, and I found that the more I learned about the teeth and gums, the less afraid I felt making my dental appointments. The teeth and gums are simply a part of your body that need extra special care, and I want you to know there is nothing to be afraid of. I started this blog to inform others about the basic facts about the teeth, so your dentist can be seen as a helpful professional who wants to encourage oral health. After all, we only have one set of adult teeth for our entire lives. Knowledge is power, so read through some of the information so you can make it through your dental appointments as a calm and informed patient.



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